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Latexian 1.2.7: A revolutionary LaTeX editor for Mac OS X with live preview and advanced tools[^1^]


iTeXMac on the WEB - iTeXMac2 News - iTeXMac News - What is iTeXMac - Screen Shots - The SyncTeX page - Download Section - iTM Resources - iTM FAQ - Lists - iTM Bug reporter - iTM's future - iTM's developer section - Localize section - TeX section - Credits This is the official site for iTeXMac, iTeXMac2 (the Tiger only version) and SyncTeX. Here you will find valuable infos about your favorite TeX Front End for Mac OS X. Browse the download section for interesting products (LaTeX Help and TeX Catalogue Online wrappers, third party BibDesk, CocoASpell...).

Latexian 1.2.7 Download

09/26/2006: Gerben Wierda's iInstaller2 has been updated to fix a bug causing data loss. Fortunately, this harmful bug is extremely rare, nevertheless, you should download the new version 2.79.

- iTeXMac 1.3.14 is NO LONGER out. - iTeXMac 1.3.14 is out. See the release notes or download. Some bugs are fixed, different display modes for synchronization... What about the future? At home, I got a new text editor working that displays D for \alpha, r for \beta, f for \sum and so on...

- iTeXMac 1.3.13 is out. See the release notes or download. Major bug fixed that prevented some users to work with the menus... Some news about forthcoming features: really better syntax parsers, editor and viewer modes, spelling management.

- iTeXMac 1.3.12 is out. See the release notes or download. pdfsync has been updated, there are problems however with amscd, xy and warmread, tabular and \chapter. It seems that writing good pdfsync macros for ConTeXt is hard. Before Hans Hagen can have a very serious look at it you will find my ConTeXt version of pdfsync.sty in the distribution. There is also something for LaTeX and Plain of course. In this intermediate release, there is a sensible gain in performance. Don't throw away the previous version, problems on sourceforge server could cause unexpected troubles in iTeXMac.

- iTeXMac 1.3.11 is out. See the release notes or download. pdfsync has been updated, there are problems however with amscd, xy and warmread, tabular and \chapter. It seems that Hans Hagen will try to write a pdfsync.sty like file for ConTeXt. I hope that LaTeX pdfync will benefit from this valuable contribution.

- iTeXMac 1.3.10 is out. See the release notes or download. Synchronization has lost its experimental status. There is a new test file named LaTeX2e.tex. - iTeXMac(Key) is now compatible with Panther. See the release notes or download.

- iTeXMac 2.0-prebuild-0 is out. See the release notes or download. BEWARE: this new version will translate your projects! You will no longer be able to compile or typeset from older versions of iTeXMac. This has been released for testing purpose and more particularly for Alpha integration.

This procedure will install the released version of pandoc, which will be downloaded automatically from HackageDB. The pandoc executable will be placed in $HOME/.cabal/bin on linux/unix/macOS and in %APPDATA%\cabal\bin on Windows. Make sure this directory is in your path.

Stanford NER is a Java implementation of a Named Entity Recognizer. Named Entity Recognition (NER) labels sequences of words in a text which arethe names of things, such as person and company names, or gene andprotein names. It comes with well-engineered featureextractors for Named Entity Recognition, and many options for definingfeature extractors. Included with the download are good named entityrecognizers for English, particularly for the 3 classes(PERSON, ORGANIZATION, LOCATION), and we also make available on thispage various other models for different languages and circumstances,including models trained on just the CoNLL 2003English training data.

Stanford NER is available for download,licensed under the GNUGeneral Public License (v2 or later). Source is included. The package includes components for command-line invocation (look at theshell scripts and batch files included in the download), running as aserver (look at NERServer in the sources jar file), and aJava API (look at the simple examples in the fileincluded in the download, and then at the javadocs).Stanford NERcode is dual licensed (in a similar manner to MySQL, etc.). Open source licensing is under the full GPL,which allows many free uses.For distributors of proprietarysoftware, commercial licensing is available.If you don't need a commercial license, but would like to supportmaintenance of these tools, we welcome gifts.

To use the software on your computer, download the zip file.You then unzip the file by either double-clicing on the zip file, using a program for unpacking zip files, or by using the unzip command. This shord create a stanford-ner folder. There is no installation procedure, you should be able to run Stanford NER from that folder. Normally, Stanford NER is run from the command line (i.e., shell or terminal).Current releases of Stanford NER require Java 1.8 or later. Either make sure you have or get Java 8 or consider running an earlier version of the software (versions through 3.4.1 support Java 6 and 7)..

The download is a 151M zipped file (mainly consisting of classifier data objects). If you unpack that file, you should have everything needed for English NER (or use as a general CRF). It includes batch files for running under Windows or Unix/Linux/MacOSX, a simple GUI, and the ability to run as a server. Stanford NER requires Java v1.8+. If you want to use Stanford NER for other languages, you'll also need to download model files for those languages; see further below. 2ff7e9595c

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