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Simgirls Full Version Mega Playboy Ending: How to Unlock the Ultimate Route


Because of the Internet, you won't need to study at school in the classroom. Save at the start of every new day, because you'll have to load the game if- You get less than fifty in all with training for your strength. Less than ten charm by having sex. Every time AFTER you get the day correct. THEN load, train your strength, and charm. That takes 70 energy plus 20 of your money. You need 20 energy to talk to a girl. You didn't get anything, or was unable to kiss the girl on her date. FOR THE PLAY-BOY ENDING, YOU'LL NEED- Max stats for everything! Every Saturday, if you want the Hentai ending, you should go to the theatre every Saturday. It takes 60 energy. You need- First Saturday - 125 Knowledge. Second Saturday - Close friends with Kotomi. Third Saturday - Tomoko is your Girlfriend. It's just a cutscene. Seventh Saturday - Complete the Time Machine see below. Eight Saturday - Cutscene plus hentai level for Kotomi and Tomoko. Every Sunday, you will have to go to Ami's house to work on the Time Machine. You'll start stripping her. Buy 30 of coffee, hankerchiefs, and medicine, plus 5 flowers, teddy bears and ONE ring. You should have 3949 dollars left. Go to the school and talk to Kotomi. The cute, black haired girl. You should have 54 exp with her. Talk to her, give her flowers, and then talk to her again. Leave, save, and talk to Kotomi again. Her exp should be around 111 now. Talk to her, and she'll say something like he is cute... Answer it correctly for 50 exp. Leave the school, and you school get a phone call. If not, than wait, or save, leave the Mystic place, and wait... By the way, answering the phone doesn't require any energy. By the way, you should be able to talk to her on the phone twice- once before saving, and once after. Go to schoo' and talk to Kotomi again. If you got to talk to her twice, than her exp should be 436. Talk, teddy bear, talk, ask, talk. If it's wrong, than don't worry. You can leave, save, and try again. Just guess day 2 and 3, unless she'll tell you. If you don't get it, load and try again. Once you got your day, leave, load, and then go home and use the computer twice. Save, and go to Kotomi and ask her on a date. My relationship with her was 710, because she called me. If she's at the point where the portrait picture has tears, leave and try again. She's probably going to be sleeping. If her face is blue with a sweat drop, than use pills. Talk to her three times WHILE answering her questions correctly, take a photograph, and give her flowers. They're the best gift to use in the forest. You'll probably have to answer your phone. SAVE AND GO TO SCHOOL. You won't need to use any energy. Go to the Library, first. When you're talking to her, ask her if she's going to Enjo Kosai... DAY 2 Save, and keep on guessing on the next date day. Once you got it, load. You shuld be able to talk to her via phone. Go to the pub to train your strength and have sex. Save, and go on a date with Kotomi. If Ryuuji is bothering her, than load and try again. This time, go to the place that you DIDN'T go to last time. Answer the questions, give her the RING, and take a photo. DO NOT KISS HER UNTIL SHE IS BLUSHING! If she's blushing, than KISS HER GOD DAMN YOU! Beating them up gives you plus 350 exp. Right now, you should have 3419 money. REMEMBER- YOU SHOULD REMEMBER WHAT DAY YOU KISSED HER, buuut if you did it by this guide, then the will be 2. GO TO THE SCHOOL AND GO IN THE GYM! After work, have sex for charm, and go on a date. NOW, you can go to the beach and the mountains! MOUNTAINS WILL MAKE GIRLS SAD MOST OF THE TIME, so you should rent a car, just in case. If you choose the MOUNTAINS, give her FLOWERS. The beach will give you a magazine for knowledge. The mountains will give you a strength magazine. DAY 4 Save, get the day, load, either work or train, depending on where you went. If you have the strength magazine, train. Have sex, and go on a date to the place you DIDN'T go to with Kotomi yet. You should know what to do at this point. DAY 5 You'll wake up to Tomoko's sexy magazine. Don't worry about doing any modeling right now. I'll tell you when. Save, and then ASK the Mystic blonde girl her name is Sana, and she'll be impressed by the magazine. XD The brown, long hair chick. You should have 20 exp with her. Talk, give her flowers, talk, leave. You should buy 1 more flower bouquet. Now you can give her teddy bears! DX In the anime, she goes to a different school. Talk again, if she asks you a question, give her a teddy, talk, and leave. Return, talk, teddy, talk, leave. And again, I'm sorry, but you'll need to buy some teddies. I have her at 362 at this point, so one more should do it, but I'd buy two, just in case. Doing both will give you 10 each for hentai. DAY 6 Saturday Go to the theatre. Have sex, charm and then talk to Tomoko via phone twice. It takes 5 energy each time. Ignore the message that you'll get when you try to go to sleep. You can't do anything until Monday, anyway. She has the closest resemblance, anyway. Of COURSE she's Mai... Go to Ami's you should have plently of coffee. Now you have 20-something coffee, or at least, you should. Go to Downtown and work as a teacher. Then, talk to Tomoko via phone. DAY 8 Save, buy a ring, and then talk to Tomoko. I had her at 510. You need at least 500 before they'll be interested. Guess a day, save, and then keep on guessing. Once you got the day, train, surf the web, save just in case of Ryuuji and date her. I took her to the restaurant. Give her a RING at the restaurant. GO TO THE SWIMMING FACILITY! Try your luck with Kotomi. You don't lose anything. Save, and train your strength! I got 66 in all! GO TO THE ROOFTOP! Say that she has the most wonderful breasts you've ever seen. DAY 10 Karin the girl with the gun and blue hair will appear in your house. Say I can do more than just make her a model! Hehehe Or something like that. Speaking of Karin, YOU HAVE A NEW PET KARIN! The exp will stack up for the future. By the way, yes, I just said that you locked a girl in your basement. XD Anyway, because you can't date Tomoko yet. At this point, though, for SOME FUCKING REASON, I had to restart... I mean, it wouldn't load the game I saved, GODDAMMIT! Anyway, SAVE, go to the pub, and FIGHT! The guy with the mask... THE STRONGEST GUY THERE, DAMMIT! If you fail to beat him, load the game and try again. Once you DO beat him, though, you will get the belt of... I'll explain what it will be used for later. Save, and do the drug dealing job. By the way, if you're NOT at 300 strength, or close, than train, and THEN fight the king of whatever! DAY 11 Tend to Karin, and then save and work as a drug dealer twice. Buy about ten more coffee if needed. DAY 12 Do what you did on Day 11, minus the coffee buying. DAY 13 Saturday Tend to Karin, save, and instead of going to the theatre, GO TO THE SWIMMING FACILITY TO RACE AGAINST RYUUJI! Tomoko explains the rules. If you lose, load and try again. After that, do a tutoring job, and then call Tomoko via phone... DAY 14 Sunday Auto show! Choose Tomoko, for the friendship points. Now that THAT'S done with, CHECK IF YOU HAVE AT LEAST 20 HANKERCHIEFS! If not, than buy them, and then go to Ami's house. Make sure that you have at least 15 hankerchiefs afterwards. Do a tutoring job, and then call Tomoko. DAY 15 Tend to Karin. It will eat up your money, but it will all be worth it in the future! Ask Kotomi for sex. It worked for me this time. Don't worry if it doesn't work the first time. It doesn't take any energy, for some reason... DAY 16 FINALLY, you can have sex with Tomoko. Tend to Karin's neeeeeeeds! Save, and then guess Tomoko's day. Once you got it, load, and then to a drug dealing job, and have sex for charm. Save again, just in case buy a ring, and go on a date with Tomoko! GO TO THE FRONT GATE! DAY 17 You should probably do drug dealing jobs today. Don't forget about Karin! Also, find the date, do a drug job, sex, and then take Tomoko to either the beach, or the mountains. I took her to the mountains. DAY 19 Ami will be there to tell you to study with her for a test. Now, with your remaining 30 energy, save, Karin, and then find the day. Load, have sex, and then take her to which ever you didn't take her yesterday. DAY 20 Saturday EXAM TIEM! I'm sorry for the bland, short answers to what to do. Tutor, call Tomoko, and then go to sleep. DAY 22 Karin, save, day, load, drug dealer, sex, save, date to... YOU CAN DRIVE THERE, IF YA' WANT! She'll be your girlfriend, plus, you get the key to go through the door, if you want. DAY 23 Karin, Modeling. At this point, Ami should have 240 INTELLIGENCE, so have her spread RUMORS. This will take 1875 of Sana's fans. Train Karin in BEAUTY. And LUCK for Kotomi and Tomoko again. WHENEVER SANA HAS FANS, USE AMI TO SPREAD RUMORS! Train Karin on beauty ONE LAST TIME. Find a JOB for Kotomi! This will gain her fans and you moneh! Luck on Tomoko ONE LAST TIME! DAY 24 Karin, Modeling. And then Job search for the other three girls. REPEAT FOR THE ENTIRE THING! DAY 25 You know what? Try your luck on Tomoko. You may need to buy some more hankerchiefs and coffee for Karin. And then, do modeling. Just repeat what you did last time. At this point, all that money you spent on the girls, SHOULD be paying off! BD DAY 26 Karin, modeling. DAY 27 Saturday Go to the threatre! You already have the requirements for next Saturday, so... Raise your charm and intelligence. Day 28 Sunday DANCE PARTY! Choose, at this point. THE GIRLS ARE USELESS TO YOU NOW! MAKE SURE YOU HAVE AT LEAST 10 MEDICINES BEFORE GOING TO AMI'S! Then, if you're NOT already maxed out on charm, have sex, and then surf the web. If so, than do a tutoring job, and then call some chick... It really doesn't matter at this point, again. If Ami is maxed out on beauty, and has no rumors to spread, than train her luck, obviously! Also, at some point, Tomoko was at max fans, so I would use her for wishing. Also, you can use Ami and Tomoko for seducing Sana's fans. It will gain Ami fans, and Tomoko will have a use! I will tell you when! DAY 35 Sunday You'll run into Tomoko at the mall! Take her panties off... YOU NEED THAT NECKLACE! You can't talk to your teacher until day 36, though. MAKE SURE YOU HAVE AT LEAST 5 RINGS BEFORE GOING TO AMI'S! DAY 36 Go to school, and then go into the classroom. Now she'll be your lover! If you click on her, you'll have sex with her... Karin, and then modeling. At this point, I also got Kotomi the max number of fans! Then just use her for moneh. And then I got Karin max fans! So I would use her to either seduce Sana's fans, or for wishing, in hopes of getting more energy! DAY 37-41 Karin, modeling. Work on getting max fans for Ami. DAY 42 Sunday GAME SHOW! GO TO AMI'S HOUSE! YOU WILL NEED 10 TEDDIES! Karin, and then either gain money + friendship exp with which ever girl you choose, or intelligence. DAY 43 Talk to Akira, your teacher, and she'll give you the necklace back. Now she'll be your maid! She'll still be in your basement. Talk to her, and then give her a teddy, a ring, and some flowers, before err... And here's the best part- YOU DON'T NEED TO TEND TO HER NEEDS ANYMORE! On day 46, I got Ami the max amount of fans. DAY 47 Ami will appear in your house so you can study with her. At this point, I had 296 exp in knowledge, so I surfed the web to max out on it. I already had all girls with 29999 fans, and maxed out on all stats, at this point. Plus, Sana's my lover, and Karin's my Playmate... So, if you're that far, I guess... DAY 49 Sunday Go to Ami's house! You don't need anything, but you DO need to go over there to get the playboy ending! By the way, it's 7:07 PM... Like Nana and Nana's apartment number! Because otherwise, you can't raise her hentai level to the max... Well, I COULDN'T, ANYWAY! DAY 51 Christmas party at school! You WILL, however, take a photo of naked Akira! I've just been dealing drugs... DAY 58 New Year Pinic with girls in bikinis... WHERE DO THEY LIVE?! Just choose a girl and then do... DAY 59-62 RACK YOUR MONEY UP! You'll need at least 300,000 for the playboy end! DAY 63 Fireworks festival! Then you'll be in a love hotel with her! WHAT IS THAT OUT THE WINDOW?! CHASE AFTER HER, DAMMIT! She will become your lover, and, for some reason, Tomoko's hentai level will increase by NOT staying to have sex with her... DAY 69 Saturday Hehe... Day 70 Tomoko will have to choose between modeling jobs. If she has over 16,000 fans, than you can choose either one... I don't think it matters which one you choose. DAY 75 Ami will show up at your house again! BUT, THIS TIME IT'S DIFFERENT! It really doesn't matter, unless you are NOT maxed out in knowledge! THEN, stay with Kotomi! DAY 76 Saturday LAST EXAM DAY! Assuming that you passed every other exam, including this one, you can FINALLY fuck your teacher! After that, go to the theatre for a cutscene! You WILL need to make the time machine, first! DAY 77 DAY 78 You'll be in the library with Tomoko. DAY 80 You'll be in the library with Tomoko again. DAY 83 Theatre for the cutscene! Some weird-ass cutscene will occur... Because of the high hentai levels... DAY 88 You'll be at the cosplay cafe! I MEAN DAY 90 Saturday Go to the theatre. Doesn't Ami look ADORABLE in that nurse's outfits?! DAY 91 Beauty contest. Tomoko Saeki won in this play through. You don't get to choose. Now she'll have a tiara whenever you talk to her! Day 93 LESBO WITH AKIRA AND TOMOKO! DAY 94-97 DAY 98 Gravure idol... I choose Tomoko this time, because she won the contest on day 91, so... I NEVER WON AGAINST AKIRA BEFORE! For some reason, they chose Ami..? DAY 99 I WOULD HIGHLY SUGGEST THAT YOU SAVE, IF YOU WANT TO SEE ALL OF THE ENDINGS! DAY 100 THAT'S IT! YOU GOT TO SEE THE PLAYBOY ENDING! And if not, THEN GO THROUGH THIS AGAIN, 'CAUSE I GOT IT BY DOING EVERYTHING I SAID ON HERE! I was playing the game while typing this, so OBVIOUSLY! And now that you finished the game, WATCH THE ANIME! DNA2 IT'S FUCKING HILIARIOUS! If you don't get at least 30, load the game and try again. BUY 10 Hankerchiefs and Coffee. You're going to be doing this a LOT! Load if you fail at winning! DAY 2-4 SWIM, DAMN YOU! DAY 5 Enjoy the cutscene. DAY 6 Saturday Swimming is closed today. DAY 7 Sunday KING OF FIGHTERS COSPLAYING TIEM! In this non-cheating version, that will help you score with Tomoko by 20 experiance! GO BUY 20 COFFEES AND THEN GO TO AMI! Use the remaining 40 on getting smarter via computer. DAY 8-9 SWIM LITTLE PIGGY, SWIM! DAY 10 ENJOY YOUR PET KARIN! I can use it for more than just modeling! Buy 25 hankies and coffees, and then swim. The extras are for Karin. DAY 11 Tend to Karin's neeeeeeds! Then, buy 5 flowers, because YOU'RE TALKIN' TA' TOMOKO TA'DAY! She's your new friend. Talk, give her flowers, and talk again. Leave, save and repeat until she's a GOOD FRIEND. THEN, instead of flowers, GIVE HER TEDDY BEARS! Now, she'll ask you questions. Tomoko Saeki Phone Number:866-656-7354 Birthday: November 21 Her dad works at Ecophobia Games Favorite Movie: Love Generation Favorite Car: Carrera GT Favorite Song: Blurry Eyes Favority Colors: Red, Blue, Black, Pink Zodiac Sign: Scorpio Breast: 88 Hips: 89 Waist: 56 Weight:47 kg Height: 163 cm Blood Type: AB Fukoma... DX In the anime, she goes to a different school. And then start swimming again... Though you'll probably get stuck with a cutscene. That was my mistake. I seriously think that the maker of this game had a crush on Tomoko. SORRY THAT I DIDN'T WARN YOU! Just train your strength at the pub instead! You'll just not get any charm or money for it, but you should be maxed out, then. DAY 13 Saturday Karin, save, and then GO TO THE SWIMMING FACILITY TO RACE AGAINST RYUUJI! OBVIOUSLY, load and try again if you fail! All relationships will increase by 20 percent. Train your smarts with computer. DAY 14 Sunday AUTO SHOW! Karin, and then MAKE SURE YOU HAVE AT LEAST 20 HANKIES! You'll probably need to buy some afterwards, BUT THEN, GO TO AMI'S! I would actually spend my remaining energy on WORKING as a TUTOR DOWNTOWN, and then use the remaining 5 to CALL TOMOKO! You may date her if you want. GUESS ON HER DAY, FIRST! AND THEN LOAD WHEN YOU GOT IT! DEAL DRUGS, AND THEN HAVE SEX, BEFORE GOING ON THE ACTUAL DATE WITH HER! Answer her questions correctly, and then give her a teddy bear... Or flowers, if you took her to the forest. THOUGH, THE DATE REALLY ISN'T NECESSARY! GO TO THE ROOFTOP, NEXT! DAY 16 EVENT TIEM! Now you should be... I fucked up, so I wasn't able to attend this event. Tend to Karin, buy a ring, SAVE, and then see what day Tomoko is free at. Actually, You don't REALLY need a ring. It all depends on where you take her. Once you have your day, deal drugs, have sex, and then GO ON YER DATE! IF YOU DIDN'T FUCK UP, LIKE ME, THAN SHE SHOULD BE YOUR GIRLFRIEND NOW. I took her to the forest. The gift is cheap there. For SOME REASON, I STILL couldn't kiss her... I swear, I took her to the forest... Give her FLOWERS there. Also, I would suggest RENTING A CAR. DAY 19 AMI WILL BARGE INTO YOUR HOUSE! GO STUDY WITH HER! Find the day with Tomoko, have sex, OR, use your computer for knowledge! And then take her to... A place you haven't taken her to yet. Teddy for beach, I always used a ring for space. DAY 20 Saturday EXAMS! You should be able to pass. IF YOU DON'T HAVE THE REQUIRED KNOWLEDGE, LIKE ME, BECAUSE I'M BEHIND 125 THEN TRAIN IT UNTIL YOU HAVE AT LEAST 125 IN KNOWLEDGE! CHECK AFTER USING YOUR COMPUTER 4 TIMES! YOU MAY GET LUCKY! If not, than just use the day to train your smarts. BUT IF SO, THEN GO TO THE THEATRE! DAY 21 Sunday UNDERWEAR DAY! ALSO, TEND TO KARIN! I used the remaining energy on sex and knowledge via 'puter. If you have everything in the SECOND row, than buy 5 flowers and 3 bears, and talk to KOTOMI today! If you don't, than go on a date with Tomoko. I think she gives you shit in Golden City, the mountains, and the beach. You should know this, but once you find the day, load, drug deal, sex, and THEN date. DAY 23 Karin, and then work on KOTOMI! At this point, I was able to go on a date on the first time talking to her! DAY 24 Karin, day, work, sex, actual date. Because you should have most of Tomoko's gifts, as well. I spent the rest of my energy on sex and knowledge. DAY 28 Sunday DANCE PARTAY! Karin, and then you need at least 10 MEDICINES, BEFORE GOING TO AMI'S! Spend the rest of your energy however you want. Then get TOMOKO'S DAY! Work, sex, and then you should have plenty of money, at this point! Buy a ring, if you don't already have one, and then TAKE HER TO THE MOOOOON! Take her to OUTA SPACE! Then TRAIN YER STRENGTH, MOTHA FUCKAAAA! Load if you lose. DAY 33 Karin, and THEN just train your stats. DAY 34 Saturday Go to the theatre! It's 11:11 right now.

simgirls full version mega playboy ending


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